Our Services

Digital Printing & Variable Data
With digital presses and variable data software, elements such as text, graphics and photos from data bases can change on each printed piece within the print run - personalizing each piece without interruption or costly plate changes. We have a full color digital press with an in-line UV high gloss coater as well as two black image digital presses with an in-line booklet maker. The digital presses are perfect solutions for short run quantities up to 3,000. Most digital printing projects can be delivered within 24 hours of proof approval.
For example: A direct mail letter can be personalized with a different name, graphic and address without any interruption in the printing process. The variable data software also sorts the printing in zip code order and can add UPC bar codes for further customization and customer tracking.
For example: A direct mail letter can be personalized with a different name, graphic and address without any interruption in the printing process. The variable data software also sorts the printing in zip code order and can add UPC bar codes for further customization and customer tracking.

Digital Pre-press
New digital file-to-plate technology has brought our printing industry a long way from lead type and letter presses. Digital files are imaged directly onto high resolution offset printing plates – eliminating the costly and not so environmentally friendly steps of imaging and processing film. We use state-of-the-art pre-flighting software to catch potential file problems before we plate.

Offset Printing
Offset printing is the best solution in delivering the highest quality printing at the lowest unit cost for quantities over 3,000. We use Heidelberg offset printing presses - the industry leader in quality offset printing. These presses can print on virtually any paper stock up to 14 point cover and are capable of printing solids and gradations using custom PMS spot color matches and full color (cmyk process colors).

Bindery & Finishing
Our machine bindery department provides accurate computer programmed trimming, folding, scoring, perforating, saddle stitching, collating, drilling, numbering, padding and shrink wrapping. We also have in-line booklet making capabilities on our digital presses.

Digital Design
Our award-winning design and pre-press team will save you time and money using the latest in design and pre-flighting software. You can provide your own files for output or let us create the graphics for you.
Environmental Quality

Recycled Materials and Soy-based Inks
We are sensitive to our environment by contributing to all recycling efforts within our company and community. This includes recycling of our paper, inks, and printing plates. We do not generate any hazardous chemical waste bi-products! We purchase our paper from mills that support responsible forest management practices and we print using low VOC soy-based inks.